After Halloween parties, you’ll want to drink some water

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The fall is the peak of the shotgun season

It’s the hunt season, the scalloping season, and the fall is the peak of the shotgun season.

What’s the message for holiday hosts – and party-goers – this autumn?

UK figures show a 40% increase in the number of people seeking advice after a firearms incident this year.

The authorities are now stepping up their advice to party-goers hoping to have an alfresco festive gathering without a crime spike.

The continued stress of being a house full of well-meaning family and friends and barbs exchanged between the two can exacerbate stress for those planning a gathering.

“High blood pressure, liver problems, stress and anxiety can all be so much better if they avoid alcohol and decide to limit the amounts they drink at gatherings,” said Jim Killock, executive director of the Open Rights Group.

“If you think you are prone to violence from a stressed out or party-gaming self, then it is best to think of it as a higher price for hosting the gathering.”

A special report is looking at this side of the parties as you head out, with sources and expert opinion to share.

Happy year. See you again?

Image copyright Alamy Image caption The number of people seeking advice after a firearms incident in the UK this year has increased

The police are also being urged to keep an eye out at their annual uniformed patrol at Halloween.

The number of people attending Halloween bashes has grown from 30,000 to up to 70,000 every year, but amid the spooky atmosphere there can be danger.

How many times has someone been mugged at a Halloween party?

“Families go out on Halloween because they don’t want to see their loved ones dressed as a thing like a cat, witch or mummy. However, organised crime crime groups will use it as an opportunity to target young people out in their cars without a lot of disguise,” said Mark Rowley, national police lead for organised crime.

The Red Cross advises “Stay on your side, to avoid falling from the edge and risk your life”.

However, rather than being the stuff of fantasy, the Red Cross also has a horror story with a result to share, which makes its point particularly clear.

“As people gather together for Halloween fun, a young girl who was trick or treating was snatched from her step-father’s arms. The assailant smashed the little girl’s head with his hand to make sure she was dead,” it says.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Gun-carrying groups take centre stage at Thanksgiving and to the north over Christmas

Those who share its views insist that fireworks have to be the “killer” so quickly to avoid the issues caused by a lit one.

“Unarmed fireworks cause very little damage to structures and people but at least thirty per cent of all hospital admissions happen when people shoot into the air,” says Ken Pothar, public affairs manager of the Family and Friends of Celeste who were saved from the 1,000 strong crowd of bikers who ran riot after a large illegal firework was set off in a Coventry city centre on September 13.

It was also the scene of another successful operation with London Police and Border Force officers intercepting 1,679 illegally imported fireworks at Birmingham airport.

An Airports Authority spokesperson pointed out: “Of course holidaymakers are welcome to display their lights and fascinators and shoot an unsupervised firework into the sky, but it is vital to remember that fireworks are illegal to discharge within 30 metres of a building or a structure. “

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Christmas is not just about the food and the advent of giving

Families should remember the phrase “food, drink and company” (FRACK) for the start of the festive season, with a report by the health information service SHARE carrying data showing that all three are known to be associated with elevated risk of developing heart disease.

“Research shows that drinking excess amounts of alcohol and increasing one’s consumption of caffeinated drinks can put you at increased risk of sudden death,” says SHARE.

Forget the turkey, remember to call it off before next Halloween.

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